How to Use Symbols in Your Headstone Design

When it comes to designing a headstone for your loved one, one of the ways to add depth and meaning is by incorporating symbols into the design. Symbols have long been used as a way to convey emotions, beliefs, and memories, making them a powerful addition to any tombstone. In this blog post, we will explore how to effectively use symbols in your headstone design, and contact Affordable today.

A headstone with a symbol on it

Understand the Symbolism

Before selecting symbols for your headstone design, it is important to understand their meanings and significance. Research different symbols and their cultural, religious, or personal connotations to ensure that you choose the appropriate ones for your loved one.

A personalized symbol on a headstone

Personalize the Symbols

When selecting symbols, try to find ones that resonate with your loved one’s personality, passions, or beliefs. For example, a heart symbol may represent love and compassion, while a cross can symbolize faith and spirituality. By personalizing the symbols, the tombstone becomes a unique and meaningful tribute to your loved one.

Wavy design on a headstone

Consider the Placement

Once you have chosen the symbols, think about how to incorporate them into the overall design. Whether it’s through engraved images, relief carvings, or etchings, the placement of symbols on your custom tombstone should be done thoughtfully and aesthetically. Affordable can guide you through this process, offering expert advice on the best placement options.

A woman speaking with a professional about headstone design

Seek Professional Assistance

If you’re unsure about how to incorporate symbols into your headstone design, it’s always best to consult professionals like Affordable Our experienced team can provide insights, recommendations, and tombstone design services to ensure that the symbols are integrated seamlessly into the headstone.


Symbols play a crucial role in headstone designs as they convey emotions, beliefs, and memories. By understanding their meanings, personalizing them, and seeking professional advice, you can create a headstone that serves as a powerful tribute to your loved one. Affordable is ready to assist you throughout the process, ensuring that the symbols are used effectively and meaningfully. Design your memorial today.